Lorven Cascade Garden price details, the price of 1325 sqft is 1.36 CR*, 1625 Sqft is 1.68 CR*, 1665 Sqft is 1.72 CR*, 1675 Sqft is 1.73 CR*, 1700 Sqft is 1.75 CR*, 1715 Sqft is 1.77 CR*, 1740 Sqft is 1.79 CR*, 1785 Sqft is 1.83 Cr*. This prices may be revised anypoint of time without any prior notice.
Unit Type | Size Sq.Ft | Approx.Agreement Price | Price Details |
3 BHK | 1325, 1625, 1675, 1700, 1740 SQFT | ₹ 1.37CR* Lakh Onwards |